For an emergency or event in progress, call Northeastern Police (NUPD) at 617.373.3333.


We Care is Here to Guide Students in Times of Difficulty


The We Care program is a support system for students during times of difficulty or challenge. We Care is a network of administrative offices, university faculty, and staff who are dedicated to helping our students address and solve problems so they can reach their full potential. Our partnership with many programs and departments across the Northeastern campus allows us to work together seamlessly to provide support services for a wide variety of challenges, from interpersonal problems and academic concerns to medical or mental health issues and personal tragedies.


We Care provides connections to resources to address many different concerns. Some issues can be solved quickly. For more complicated matters, our We Care partners work one-on-one with students to identify and assess problems, provide appropriate resources, identify solutions and create an action plan. This may involve on-campus or off-campus referrals. We then help students navigate each step, facilitate discussions between appropriate parties, and support students throughout the school year as they continue their academic progress.

We Care also assists departments in developing their own capacity to work through student challenges and works with staff who request guidance in identifying Northeastern resources and policies to help students succeed. Parents can contact We Care if they are concerned about their child, and friends or classmates can refer a Northeastern student that they believe may be in trouble/need of support. Our goal is to provide advice and encouragement to students who experience unexpected challenges.

Every Northeastern student receives individual, customized support. The We Care team follows up with every student to ensure that their case is progressing and to offer ongoing support. We also reach out to students who may have been affected by large-scale national or international tragedies, including political unrest and natural disasters.


Students come to the attention of We Care in a variety of ways:

  • Students seek help for themselves or refer a fellow student to We Care.
  • Faculty and staff contact We Care directly to discuss the needs of a student they see as possibly being in need of support.
  • NUPD notes students who may be experiencing difficulties.
  • Residential Life staff work closely with many of our students and have multiple opportunities to see students who exhibit behaviors ranging from general unhappiness to disruptive behavior, which may require more attention.
  • Students transported to local hospitals are routinely contacted by staff who offer the opportunity for further conversation about the reason for the transport and any assistance needed as a result.
  • Referrals from the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) allow us to identify students who are having difficulty managing the freedom and responsibilities associated with college life.
  • University Health and Counseling Services (UHCS); the Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service (CSDS); Parent Programs, and other offices identify concerns about students who demonstrate troubling behavior or signal in some way their need for additional guidance.


Students who come through We Care are placed on an individual path to success.

Some issues are solved quickly through collaboration between We Care, the student, and another individual or office on campus. Other cases might require initiating an emergency leave of absence, after which time students return to the campus and are able to successfully resume their studies.

In special circumstances, We Care works with other offices to create temporary flexibility around existing conditions, enabling students to move forward as they work through the issue with We Care staff.

Students who seek support from We Care succeed because they are empowered to take charge of their situation. When students encounter similar situations in the future, they are more confident and more prepared to navigate the process successfully.